Author Archives: Allen Rosenshine

The Awokening of Acting

Without getting into the pros and cons of “woke” in what passes for the new socio-economic (not to mention political) norms in today’s society, we are witnessing at least one related controversy so absurd that it defies reasonable, much less rational, discussion.   I refer to the idiotic notion that it is somehow not just prejudicial […]

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Common Law v. Common Sense

Legal pundits parsing the sworn testimony of witnesses in the investigation of the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Congress have offered a variety of legal opinions on the possibility of Donald Trump being indicted. The commentary runs a gamut of outcomes. At one end are strong beliefs that any proposed indictment, much less conviction […]

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So, What’s New?

America did indeed meet its most critical challenge of removing Donald Trump and his cohort from the White House, ending the most morally and ethically depraved presidency in likely the nation’s history.  What apparently has not ended Is the gross ineptitude that too often pervades major administration decisions. Yes, we now have a president and cabinet […]

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2020 Vision

Note: This blog was written before the events of January 6, 2021, when a mob of Trump supporters, incited for many weeks including that morning by the president, invaded the halls of Congress, and brought to a halt the joint session that had convened according to the U.S. Constitution to count and declare the vote […]

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(My) Fear and Trembling

In one of the great ironies (or idiocies) of presidential politics, arguably the most lawless and disordered president in American history has seized on the central campaign theme of “law and order”. And equally ironic (or corrupt) is the hateful rhetoric with which Trump uses the black-lives-matter protests to build credibility for this inherently racist […]

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A Gift to the Donald from the Democrats

I realize that predicting the electoral future involving Donald Trump is about as precarious an undertaking as possible, particularly for one who got it quite wrong the first time around.  And surely, any exercise in writing a campaign speech you anticipate Trump might in essence actually deliver, is surely quixotic.  In his narcissistic estimation, nothing anyone else […]

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The Pathology of President Pinocchio

We are by now all too familiar with the fact that President Donald Trump and his spokespeople consistently make statements that are inaccurate (to be polite) or in direct contravention of established fact (to be more realistic).  Depending on one’s opinion of the President and his coterie, such statements are categorized as anything from outright lies […]

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Apples, Oranges and Blowjobs

In the context of the allegations of sexual molestation against Judge Roy Moore, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand made the comment that President Bill Clinton should have resigned the presidency as a result of his involvement with Monica Lewinsky. To put this issue in its most benign terms, it seems to me the senator does not understand […]

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The Prosecutor and His Pooch

I am not much interested in conspiracy theories and/or pulp fiction speculations about what purportedly goes on behind the scenes of controversies. However, I cannot help but suggest that the “October surprise” — or more accurately the eleventh-hour gift from FBI Director James Comey to Donald Trump — is, more than anything else, the result […]

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