Author Archives: Allen Rosenshine

The Court v. Common Sense

Not quite twenty years go, a lawyer named Philip Howard wrote a book called “The Death of Common Sense.” His thesis was that government bureaucracy produces so many laws and attendant regulations so absurd as to stifle innovation and productivity, and by failing even the most cursory application of common sense, is counterproductive in pursuing […]

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Bush League

A fellow blogger and likeminded political liberal recently bemoaned the current Benghazi, IRS and Associated Press “scandals” engulfing President Obama, writing: “Suffice it to say that we are witness to a collision behind some slipshod, misguided or errant acts by officials inside the Obama administration and a take-no-prisoners, draw blood first – ask questions second, […]

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Ready, Fire, Aim

Now that the Newtown tragedy has prodded the president and a mostly reluctant Congress to bring gun control, for at least as long as it titillates the media, to the surface of current priorities, I find myself (oddly for a liberal) in basic agreement with those who argue that more stringent gun controls will do […]

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America’s WMDs

America’s foreign policy and defense establishments have long concerned themselves with the threat to our nation and to global stability posed by weapons of mass destruction in the hands of adversaries, enemies, and governments of questionable sanity. But in the wake of the latest national tragedy of people, including primarily children, slaughtered by a manic […]

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A Christmas Label

At a time when a political label is often used to libel, I offer the following verse in the spirit and hope that everyone enjoy a Happy Holiday season and the best for the New Year: For three hundred sixty-four days of the year, He and his laborers work with good cheer, So that on one […]

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And Now a Word From

It doesn’t take too many of my blogs for anyone to realize where I stand in this year’s presidential election. And having spent most of my life in advertising, it is only natural for me to try and create ads for President Obama. So I’ve done that and sent my ideas off to his campaign, […]

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Chips Off the Old Block

I recently heard a press reporter tell the following story. I don’t recall her name or the town she was talking about, but I almost cannot believe what she said happened. She was writing about teens in an affluent suburban community, buying and consuming liquor. At one point in her investigation, she became aware of […]

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A Chicken in Every Pot

As tempting as that may sound to the increasing number of Americans living in poverty, if Congress made it a law, it would probably be judged by the current Supreme Court as an unconstitutional attack on those of us who can afford steak. But now that the Supreme Court has agreed to hear the challenges […]

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Babbling Brooks

I have now and again cited David Brooks, whom I read in The New York Times and see on PBS news, for sometimes reaching absurd conclusions, such has his apparent approval of Donald Trump as a political gadfly, as well as other occasional rationalizations of pro-Republican idiocy. Actually, I have some sympathy for his analytic […]

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No Trump

Isn’t it time for the media to stop giving a second’s worth of time or an inch of space to Donald Trump as a candidate for president?  Is there no idiocy that our so-called journalists will not pursue for a headline? Trump has no intention of actually running for president and is simply using the […]

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